Portable Stack Emission Testing

Authorities will ask you to assess the impact of your emission on the ambient environment. Stack Emission Testing is an important tool used to determine a Facility’s compliance with Emission Limit Value (ELV), or capture or control efficiency.

EIS OMAN supplies instrumentation ranging from basic EC to advance FTIR and Sampling (Dust, Dioxins & Furans, Heavy Metals, and others). We ensure that the instrumentation we provide is meeting your specific requirement and budget.

Portable Stack Emission Testing instrumentation provided in Oman & Qatar:

  • EC/NDIR Gas Analyzers: SO2, NOx, CO, CO2, HC (CxHy), H2S, O2
  • Reference Method Gas Analyzer: SO2, NOx, CO, O2, CH4, NMHC, THC
  • FTIR Technology: SO2, NOx, CO, O2, CH4, HCL, HF, THC, CO2 etc.
  • Automatic Isokinetic Sampler: Dust, Gases, Dioxin, Mercury and Heavy Metals
  • Manual Isokinetic Sampler: Dust, Gases, Dioxin, Mercury and Heavy Metals
  • Automotive Exhaust Gas Analysis: CO, CO2, O2, NO, NO2, CxHy
  • Pitot Tube: Flow
  • Thermocouple: Temperature


Portable Isokinetic Sampler

